ARexx (60/65)

From:Ash Wyllie
Date:28 May 2001 at 15:15:58
Subject:Re: Final calc / AREXX problem

Gently extracted from the mind of Andrew Bruno;

>Hello Ash

>On 26-May-01, you wrote:

>> It would be easier to have an example of what you are trying to do.

>Well, I guess fair enough.

>Here is the script.

>I won't include the sheet as that would be a bit un-needed. They are easy
>enough to make.

>Suggestion though:
>Read the script and look at the "table" of cell addresses to which it is
>refering and put things in there.

>On mine they are '\=' in the horizontal cells and '|' in the vertical ones.

>** Written 12/5/01
>** Andrew Bruno


>top.1 = 'E_A34:E_C34'
>bottom.1= 'E_A54:E_C54'
>right.1 = 'E_D35:E_D53'
>home.1 = 'E_B40'

>top.2 = 'E_E34:E_G34'
>bottom.2= 'E_E54:E_G54'
>right.2 = 'E_H35:E_H53'
>home.2 = 'E_F40'

>top.3 = 'E_I34:E_K34'
>bottom.3= 'E_I54:E_K54'
>right.3 = 'E_L35:E_L53'
>home.3 = 'E_J40'

>top.4 = 'E_A54:E_C54'
>bottom.4= 'E_A73:E_C73'
>right.4 = 'E_D55:E_D72'
>home.4 = 'E_B60'

>top.5 = 'E_E54:E_E54'
>bottom.5= 'E_E73:E_E73'
>right.5 = 'E_H55:E_H72'
>home.5 = 'E_F60'

>top.6 = 'E_I54:E_K54'
>bottom.6= 'E_I73:E_K73'
>right.6 = 'E_H55:E_H72'
>home.6 = 'E_J60'

>cell e_k1
>contents e_k1
>number = result

>CELL top.number
>format color red
>CELL bottom.number
>format color red
>CELL right.number
>format color red

>** Reset previous cells to 'Default' colour.
>** ONLY if a > 1 though to stop errors.
>IF number > 1 THEN
> xn = number -1
> CELL top.xn
> format color default
> CELL bottom.xn
> format color default
>IF number > 2 THEN
> xn = number -2
> CELL right.xn
> format color default

>cell home.xn

I don't see anything obviously wrong. So what is the script not doing?

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